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London Couselling and Therapy


at Your Own Pace

Home: Welcome

What To Expect

Therapy is a collaborative process. It is about working together towards your goals and working through the obstacles that are in the way of achieving them.

When the goals aren’t clear yet, it is a discovery tool and when they are clearer it creates a path towards them. 

Our work together is about making space and time in the very fast paced world we live in and using that regularly to focus and detangle what otherwise stays ignored and grows in the shadows. 

We all deserve a better quality of life and a smoother transition and resolution of emotional, situational and behavioural difficulties.

Mental health is a part of our overall health, paying attention to it and looking after it improves our overall quality of life. 

The notion that avoiding problems and issues makes them disappear is now outdated and by dealing with things directly we can save physical and emotional resources in the long run.

Therapy is a process and as such can take time. We all have our own pace of change and together we can get to know yours and utilise it in working towards your goals.

Home: About Therapy

What Next

Deciding to come to therapy is the first step on the road to change. Mixed thoughts, doubts and hesitations are very normal. 
An email or a phone call can make that clearer and we can talk through what you are looking for and what would be the next right step for you.
If working together isn't the best way forward for you, I will be glad to signpost you to an alternative service.

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London Counselling and Therapy

Find Clarity in the Chaos and Change at Your Own Pace

Tyana Petrova, BSc, MBACP - Central London Therapy and Counselling

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"Am I living in a way which is deeply satisfying to me, and which truly expresses me"

Carl Rogers

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Maida Vale W9 and West Hampstead NW6, London, England.

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British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy
London Counselling and Therapy
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